Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Got Tagged!

8 TV shows I like to watch
1. Jeopardy
2. The Office
3. The News
4. Letterman
5. America's Funniest Videos (My kids favorite)
6. Wheel of Fortune
7. Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
8. Wipe Out (My kids second favorite...is it a problem if their favorite things to watch are people getting hurt?)

8 things that happened yesterday
1. Fed the baby, and fed the baby, and fed the baby, and...
2. Started reading "My Antonia"
3. Made sourdough starter
4. Ground wheat
5. Made pumpkin muffins
6. Made invitations for a Halloween party
7. Ironed patches on Madison's Girl Scout uniform
8. Folded laundry
Wow, I was very domestic yesterday.

8 favorite places to eat
1. Rubios
2. Joe's Barbecue
3. Manuel's
4. Outside (camping, picnics)
5. Texas Roadhouse
6. Quizno's
7. Nico's
8. El Pollo Loco

8 things I am looking forward to
1. Trip to Utah next week for my college roommate's wedding
2. My package that I ordered from Old Navy
3. Making Halloween costumes
4. Trick or Treating and Halloween parties
5. Turkey
6. Christmas shopping
7. Cooler weather
8. All of Levi's milestones in the next year

8 things on my wish list
1. A good night's sleep
2. A whole day of kids not arguing (any advice anyone?)
3. A clean house
4. A landscaped backyard
5. New pans
6. A vacation
7. A trip to Seattle to see Larissa
8. A van

8 people I tag:
1. Leah C.
2. Heather P.
3. Amanda J.
4. Suzie S.
5. Stacy L.
6. Kris M.
7. Jenise K.
8. Donna E.


Unknown said...

Soooo....what happens when you get tagged?

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

You are supposed to copy the lists from my blog, delete my information, and post it on your blog with your answers filled in!