Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tucson Festival of Books

The kids and I went to the Tucson Festival of Books Saturday at the U of A. They had a great time collecting cheap little prizes and seeing storybook characters. Wyatt thought they were cool to look at but wouldn't get close to them, while Madison had to hug every one. They had some great activities for the kids...I don't even know how many different bookmarks we made! Levi was a good sport and rode happily in the stroller almost the whole four hours we were there. It was also fun to show the kids where I went to college and explain to them about college life. I have so many good memories there. It was crazy to see how much everything has changed in the few years I've been away. I asked the kids after if they were going to go to college. Madison: "Yeah, but I'm not going to live at college." Wyatt: "Me too. I'm not going to live at college either." They may change their minds in a few years! We had a fun day. It was nice to have an excuse to be outside all day because it was fabulous weather.

Madison with Ronald McDonald.

Happy Levi.

Wyatt decorating a canvas bag.
Goofy Wyatt making a bookmark.

Madison with the mouse from "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie."

Letters Y and X.


Kris said...

Wow! I wish I would've known about that- it looks like so much fun!

We really do need to get together- your kids are getting so big! Call me.

Unknown said...

What a great activity! I never heard of this before - is it something new?

Larissa said...

That Levi is so cute! Jackson has been practicing being an X and Y today. That book fair looks really cool!

Mindy Burns said...

That seems like fun! We'll have to try to go next year!