Monday, August 10, 2009

When A Kindergartner Hijacks Blogger

Wyatt asked me today if he could play on PBSKids. He does that quite often, and knows how to get to the website and find his way around just fine. So later when I came to check on the latest blog happenings, I was surprised to find a new post. Somehow he opened my blog, found the "new post" button, typed in the text area and even the labels area, and then successfully posted. I think he forgot to run spell-check though.


Nancy Mc said...

That is funny!

Larissa said...

Good job Wyatt! It's probably some kind of math formula he's working on.

Kris said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! The things kids manage to do when we're not looking- I think you might have a genius on your hands there. Except for the spelling part....