Monday, April 20, 2009

Movie Night

Friday night is movie night at our house. More often than not, this is how movie night ends for Madison--backwards on the recliner, head in hands, fast asleep. (Saturday morning is usually movie morning so she can see how it ended.) Wyatt, on the other hand, will make it through any movie, no matter how tired he is, or how long the movie is, or how many times he has seen it. The kids think movie night is such a treat for them. I love the break from the normal nightly routine.


Kris said...

That's a great blackmail photo for when she gets older!

Love the old school pink curlers.

Unknown said...

What a great picture!

Larissa said...

That's awesome. Maybe she inherited the ability to sleep in any position from her Nana. Ever since they got to be at your house for a movie night, my kids want to have movie night every Friday, too. Only they never end up looking like Madison afterwards - they're just wide awake wanting more.