Friday, November 7, 2008

Keeping Up With His Cousin...

Levi is practicing his "making friends" smile, kind of like Katelyn's. He doesn't quite have it down as good as her, but he's getting there. We've been able to get some little laughs out of him, but it never lasts long because he always gives himself hiccups. He doesn't have the cutest picture clothes on. I really should try his clothes on him before I get to the picture place. This was the spare outfit I carry in the diaper bag because the shirt I brought was way too big. And his pants aren't really 80's stonewashed, they just look that way in the picture. But for all the work it takes to make the appointment, pack him up and drive 20 minutes, and try to time it right so he isn't hungry or asleep...we were going to take his pictures in cute clothes or not! Maybe that's why the photographer suggested we do some diaper shots (which turned out really cute, too).


Larissa said...

Ohhhh. That's what I said about the last one. They all turned out so cute. We should get those two cousins together so they can show offtheir tonsils to each other. And that reminds me I need to take Katelyn in to get her pictures, too. It's been a few months, and the last one's didn't turn out great anyway.
I'm glad you went ahead with the pictures even though he had his back-up clothes (I probably would have been pretty mad at the time, though - it does seem like so much effort to make it there, and with a happy baby). We would have never known - his face steals the attention anyway.

Kluver Family said...

Wow, Levi is growing up way too fast. I love the pictures. It will be fun watching our boys together "pwaying" in the back "yawd" before we know it! Great pumpkin shots too.

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

the cutest BIG smile I have ever seen in a long time!

Cecily Markland said...

What a cute boy! But I agree. He's growing up too fast!

Jerlyn said...

He is absolutely adorable! What a great smile!

julia said...

The pictures are great. I wish I had done the same for my last 2 babies!