Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You've Come a Long Way, Baby!

Where does the time go? I can't believe my baby is one already. Look at how far he's come...
On the day he was born

One month old

Two months old, showing one of his first smiles

Three months old, picking pumpkins

Four months old, loving the bath

Five months old, with his favorite blanket on Christmas Eve

Six months old, trying peas (ignore the pink bib)

Seven months old, crawling and exploring

Eight months old, standing and cruising (with the same shirt as three months and seven months)

Nine months old, he loves to be outside

Ten months old, propped up in a trench helping Dad with the yard

Eleven months old, with Papa--he wouldn't leave that cane alone

And a big one year old! This kid has tons of clothes. I don't know why he is wearing the same ones in so many pictures. I guess I have my favorites. We love our Levi. He is such a sweet boy. Happy Birthday, buddy. Party pictures coming soon!


Larissa said...

Oh, he's just so cute! I want to hear about his party! I like the one where he's propped up in a trench.
I like seeing all these pictures!

Marci said...

Wow, how time flies! Happy Birthday Levi!