Monday, March 30, 2009

Puppy Party

We celebrated Madison's birthday on Friday with 10 of her friends. She invited girls from primary, school, girl scouts, and the neighborhood. Just before the party started, I was a little intimidated, knowing I would be severely outnumbered by little girls. No need to fear...they were amazingly well-behaved and we had a great time. We had hot dogs for dinner, then played "pin the nose on the puppy" and "puppy walk" (like a cake walk except they walked on puppy paw prints, and the prizes were stuffed puppies). After all of them won a puppy, they got to choose a name for their puppies. Then Darin engraved the names on little dog tags for them, and we attached them to a little puppy collar. After cake (don't miss my amazing cake decorating skills) and ice cream and a big pile of presents, the girls all spread out their blankets and pillows and we watched the movie "Bolt" about a super dog. I'm so proud of my super seven-year-old. Happy Birthday, Madison!

Can't believe she's 7!!!
Doing the Puppy Walk--I love that Madison is wiggling loose teeth as she walks!

All of the girls with their puppies.

Cute girls! I'm so glad she has such fun, nice girls as friends.
Amazing, huh? The dumb sprinkles wouldn't even stick to the cake. Just call me if you are in need of my services for your next party.


Anonymous said...

What a fun party! Madison is so lucky to have such a creative Mom and Dad.

Mindy Burns said...

You seriously are so creative! From the little puppy walk, to the puppy chow (which I ate half of that night) to the themed fun! Now if only Madison could have a reeeeeeal puppy :)

Jerlyn said...

I love that idea. How fun! She is so cute!

Kluver Family said...

LOL, girl you can bake the cake for my parties anytime. I think I should buy stock in Costco! Sarah sure loved the party, thank you for inviting her.