Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Life of a Mother...

Yesterday Wyatt said, "Mom, the only time you can sit still is when you are feeding the baby, huh?" So I asked him, "What do I do the rest of the time?"
"You just clean the house and curl your hair."
I guess that's my life these days (although there's really not much hair curling going on).


Michelle Price said...

Maybe Wyatt could help you clean a little so you'll have more time for curling your hair. Or you could just get a perm so you don't have to curl it so much.

Larissa said...

I like Michelle's idea.
After Katelyn was born, lots of times Jackson would come sit by me on the couch when I was feeding Katelyn so he could pretend we were driving somewhere or on a boat (yeah, there's those couch boats again). Or look at a book with me or something. I'm glad he did that instead of just trying to pull the baby away or something, but I kind of felt bad that that was one of the few times he knew I could sit there and play with him, and not be getting up to clean the house or curl my hair.
And here's a dirty secret - sometimes on Monday I don't even wash my hair just because I actually went to the trouble to curl it on Sunday. So I have to make it last another day, right?

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

out of the mouth of babes, comes some of the most clarifying things of life.

Cute statement from Wyatt!